Little Reader Storybooks 1-5

These are the original Little Reader Storybooks in large-print format (no cover flap.) Available only while stocks last!

The Little Reader Storybook series is designed specifically for you to teach your child to read, and not just for reading to your child. These storybooks are designed to complement the Little Reader Learning System's English curriculum, although it may also just as easily be used as a standalone book.

These special storybooks break down the process of reading by presenting the text without an illustration, highlighting key words with a separate illustration, and finally showing the text once again, this time beneath a gorgeous illustration.

Features include:

  • Text and illustration presented on separate pages

  • Key words from the Little Reader curriculum highlighted on separate pages with helpful pictures which show the meaning of the words

  • More spacing between words to make it easier to see words individually

This set contains the following books:

Yellow Sun, Blue Sky

written by Paul Wrangles, illustrated by Anca Delia Budeanu

A boy who loves to paint lets his imagination run wild - making the rain green, the snow purple, and the stars pink. What colors would you like to paint the world?


written by Jayne Pupek, illustrated by Anca Delia Budeanu

Lots of things you do will make your Mommy, Daddy, or the other people who love you smile. In this book, one little boy tells us all the things that make his family members - and him - happy.

I Like The Way

written by Paul Wrangles, illustrated by Anca Delia Budeanu

Animals' bodies look all different. Having different kinds of bodies makes animals good at different things, too. Find out what these funny animals like about themselves

The Friendly Crocodile

written by Paul Wrangles, illustrated by Anca Delia Budeanu

Meet the poor crocodile always being told not to do whatever it is he is doing. None of the animals the crocodile meets appreciate his efforts - that is, until he decides to just be friendly!


written by Faith Alessio, illustrated by Joseph Alessio

One little dog is lonely... until friend after friend comes over to greet him. Soon it's a whole gang of playful, silly animals!

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