بطاقات التحفيز للرضع

Available at our BrillKids Online Store.

It's as simple as black and white... and maybe a little red.

Research has shown that the secret to infant visual stimulation lies in high-contrast colors. From birth, until about 3 to 4 months old, a newborn's eyes - the structures of the retina that perceive color - will not be mature enough to perceive the values and intensities of complex colors such as pink, yellow, purple and green.

Newborns like to look at what their eyes are able to percieve - so it's no wonder that babies prefer high-contrast black and white patterns. Infants also find the color red interesting at the age of 2 to 3 months, as they start to perceive the color and differentiate it from black and white.

These infant stimulation cards will help calm and soothe your baby as well as increase concentration skills, enhance natural curiosity and stimulate the creation of brain cell connections.

This pack contains 20 high-quality infant stimulation cards:

  • 10 cards with black and white patterns

  • 10 cards with black, white and red patterns

Get these Infant Stimulation Cards


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