Check out the chart below to see which of the features and teaching tools that are included in Little Reader Basic.
سوف تقوم بالحصول على رخصة واحدة مدى الحياة لإستخدام برنامجنا الثوري الذي يوفر لك الدروس بطريقة لم يسبق لها مثيلا من قبل .فمن مميزاته القوية القدرة على إضافة الطابع الشخصي على الدروس بحيث تكون مفيدة أكثر لطفلك
Little Reader's curriculum will guide your child from sight-reading single words, to sounding out groups of words, to reading complete stories. Your child will see 3,000 words* in more than 180 subject categories, supported by over 3,000 pictures, 6,600 sound files, and 460 videos!
This booklet will help you understand how the system works and how the curriculum was created so you can make the most out of your Little Reader experience.
Learn about the philosophy behind early reading instruction, the teaching methods you can use, why it's important to learn phonics before starting starting school and - most importantly - how to give your child a lifelong love of reading.
Designed specifically to help you teach your child to read, each book highlights a set of key words from the Little Reader curriculum and presents the story's text on separate pages from the illustrations. This, along with a special flap which you can use to cover the illustrations, will help you focus your child's attention to the words in the story during the process of learning to read.
Create hundreds of phonic word combinations for your young child - enunciate each letter and blend's sound and change the letter combination by flipping through the cards. These Pattern Phonics™ work by showing words in patterns that facilitate and accelerate your child's natural ability to decode written language.
Our unique flap cards are a great way to teach your child to read using the multisensory method! Your child will enjoy learning about each word by opening flaps and seeing the pictures. Just insert the pictures and corresponding words into the plastic flaps and start teaching her words relating to the most important subject in her life - her family!
Make a game of labeling objects in your child's world and help her naturally associate the written word with physical objects (and even people!) in her environment!
ميا وجريج
مدرسوا اللغة الإنجليزية للصف السادس السابقين والحاليين
"يجب أن يكون ليتل ريدر في كل منزل
قم بمشاهدة مقطع الفيديو
هل تثق بمنتجاتنا؟ قم بإخبار الأخرين عن منتجاتنا وقم بربح عمولة على ذلك!
معرفة المزيد
هل يمكن بالفعل تعليم الأطفال الرياضيات أوالموسيقى أو القراءة ؟ وإن كان بمقدورهم تعلم الرياضيات أو الموسيقى أو القراءة فهل ينبغى علينا تعليمهم ؟ قم معرفة المزيد مع هذه الكتب الإلكترونية